Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
תפקידים פתוחים

Open Positions

Year Round Positions

We are currently hiring for the following positions (click on them for more information):


Please reach out to Camp Director, Jane-Rachel Schonbrun, join our team.

Summer Positions

Summer Positions

Yavneh is a warm and welcoming work environment. Please reach out to join our team.

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Rosh Ayda/Madrich Positions

Roshei Aydot and Madrichim Positions

Thank you for your interest in applying to work at Camp Yavneh. Roshei aydot and madrichim are important role models for our campers. Yavneh provides ongoing educational programs to continuously impart new knowledge to help roshei aydot and madrichim grow in their jobs. Included are classes that focus on improving counselor skills, interesting topics in Jewish learning led by both our staff and visiting scholars and peer led discussions. Please note: Camp Yavneh only hires counselors who have completed high school. Also note, our campers become our counselors, therefore it is rare that we hire counselors who have not attended Yavneh. Click here to learn more about the madrichim job description

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