Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
January 27, 2022

The Heart of the Tzrif

Author - Camp Yavneh

What is it that makes Yavneh the most incredible summer experience? What is the magic that brings about the campers’ smiles, develops their confidence, and allows them to be open to new experiences and build lifelong friendships? THE MADRICHIM & ROSHES, of course!

Yes, camp leadership professionals make camp run…and specialists and Jewish educators make the summer an opportunity to try new things, grow the mind, and learn new skills…but madrichim and roshes are truly Yavneh’s special sauce.

Our tzevet for 2022 is filling up so quickly – they can’t wait to get back to their home away from home on Lucas Pond! They can’t wait to plan creative peulot. They can’t wait to jump into the Agam with chanichim. They can’t wait to tell bedtime stories. They can’t wait to play baseball and basketball, do yoga and bishul, lead STEM chuggim and amazing aquatics activities on boats. They can’t wait to sing their hearts out at Zimriya with their chanichim. They can’t wait to go hiking. They can’t wait to share their Jewish journey with their chanichim. They can’t wait to sit on chairs (not benches) in the chadar ochel, and then stand on them as the ru’ach explodes when the meal finishes up. They can’t wait to spend Shabbat back at camp. They can’t wait to be silly, and dance, and laugh, and cry with the chanichim. Some are introverted. Some are extroverted. Some are creative. Some are analytic. Some are serious. All are committed to one thing: providing the Yavneh experience to those who come next. L’dor vador.

These incredibly thoughtful, playful, and incredible humans are what Yavneh is all about, and we can’t wait to introduce them to you all at the beginning of the summer. Bunk life is going to rock in Kayitz ‘22!