As soon as the chanichim (campers) started arriving at Machaneh Yavneh, Kerem were already busy running around in committees planning for the first Shabbat at the machaneh, choosing and presenting potential shirei Zimriyah (songs for Zimriyah), and working on miscellaneous events and peulot (activities) to surprise the younger chanichim. At the machaneh‘s first aruchat erev (dinner), Kerem were introduced to the machaneh by their madrichim (counselors) with a funny video and some spontaneous dancing/flailing. In the following days, Kerem auditioned and were casted in the upcoming Kerem machazeh (play), the spectacular Aladdin! As the days fly by, Kerem continue to discover and take ownership of their roles as responsible and enthusiastic manhigim (leaders).
Yavneh’s first Shabbat of the season would not have been as successful as it was without Kerem. After se’udat leyl Shabbat (Friday night dinner) Kerem stood on benches in the Ben Tzvi and led zemirot (Shabbat tunes), filling everyone’s hearts and souls with boundless ruach (spirit). On Shabbat morning, Kerem had their own minyan for tefillah.
In their free time, Kerem had their first of many late-night barbecue cookouts outside the boys’ tzrif (bunk). In recent days, they have been planning their big hafta’ah (surprise) for the chanichim tz’irim (younger campers), the Kerem Karnival, which will take place tomorrow. Last night, after a thought-provoking peulah with Itzik on connectedness to Israel, they finally received their Kerem sweatshirts and sweatpants as they read each other’s “What does Kerem mean to you?” quotes.
At any given opportunity, they continue to flail unabashedly. Don’t worry, it’s a good thing.
-Adam Chanes, Kerem madrich