Shalom, Gurim parents.
The third week of the kayitz is already over! The chanichim (campers) got to choose a new round of chuggim (electives) and are getting to learn a lot of new things. This shavua (week) was filled with exciting peulot (activities).
On Wednesday we went to Candia Springs, a water park not too far away from camp, where the chanichim had a great time playing with all of their madrichim (counselors) and friends and going on all the different rides. There were a bunch of slides, a pool, a lake and a water playground and the chanichim were just going back and forth between all the different options.
On Friday we gathered together as a machane (camp) and watched the camp play – “Moana’s Bat Mitzvah” were campers from all of camp, including Gurim, has preformed and showed us how talented they all are. They were singing, dancing and acting like pros and we could really see how much effort they were giving into this hatzaga (play). It was just spectacular.
Shabbat was fantastic. We had a little bit of rain on Friday night but for the rest of the day it was BEAUTIFUL. The chanichim had different efsharuyot (options) for activities they can go to like Agam (lake), Lego, Sports, board games etc… We hosted the Israeli ambassador in the UN and had a relaxing time having fun with friends from all across camp. We ended Shabbat with interesting sichut (conversations) with our morim (teachers), and a fun Havdallah where Arayot (campers going into 8th grade) showed us their ketzev dance – a project they have been working on so they can perform it out of camp.
On Sunday we had our special Yom Yisrael. A day that is fully focused on Israel and is lead by our mishlachat (Israeli stuff members). We walked around camp and had different activities like making send jar necklaces and playing in foam – all those activities taught us so many new stuff we didn’t know about Israel! The day ended with a Tekes (ceremony) that was very beautiful and and two of our chanichim (Amitai and Lani ) got to light the torch! We are very grateful for the hard work the mishlachat put into this special day and we had a great time being part of it.
Until next week,
Ofer and Jennie