Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
January 08, 2021

Eshkolit: COVID FAQ January 8

Author - Camp Yavneh

Q: The Camp Bubble: What will this look like?


We always talk about camp being a bubble away from reality. As of the date of this writing, this is something we need to achieve physically too, in order to protect the safety of our campers and staff “inside”.

This means that for summer 2021:

  • We anticipate that we will not be able to have Shabbat visitors, scholars-in-residence, or other guests or outside entertainment coming into camp. If, by springtime, certain programs or speakers are deemed safe to bring to camp by our COVID Task Force, we will reevaluate.
  • We have a number of local staff who live outside of camp (maintenance, kitchen, and cleaning staff) who do not need to interface with campers or staff directly. Daily screenings before entering camp, maintaining distance from our campers and staff at all times, and masking if/when necessary to enter buildings at camp will be strongly enforced.
  • We highly encourage you to make any necessary medical appointments for your children before or after their time at camp. Also, please understand that campers will not be allowed to leave the bubble for family reasons (that might include graduations, weddings, etc). Campers who need to leave camp because of a medical emergency will do so with strict protocols in place to safeguard themselves as well as the staff member assigned to take them for medical consultation/treatment.
  • Resident staff members will not be leaving camp for time off or to run errands for camp. If, by summertime, vaccination schedules favor our staff being vaccinated before summer’s start, we reserve the right to reevaluate this policy. In the meantime, we will hire a Runner this summer, someone who can travel in and out of the bubble safely, who does not interact with our campers or staff. This person may run errands, provide curbside pickup of supplies, materials, foods, etc. for camp, for staff, and/or for campers’ needs.
  • Food deliveries and laundry service will be provided without any contact with campers or staff (other than kitchen staff).


Q: The Camp Bubble: How will campers get to camp this year?

We recently sent out an email to all current camp families discussing some guidelines about transportation to and from camp this summer. We are open to receiving campers by plane, bus, and car with the proper protocols in place.

Once we hear back from our current camp families, we will have a better sense of the numbers of how to run these options efficiently and safely. Please take the time to fill out the Transportation Survey if you have not done so.

Protocols for each mode of transportation will be shared in the springtime with families. For those who wish to drive campers to camp, please note, that as of this writing, we anticipate that parents will not be allowed into the main area of camp. They will drop off their children at a designated intake spot, and promptly leave camp. Our madrichim (counselors) will help campers unpack, settle in, and begin to experience bunk life with new and old friends.