Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
November 29, 2018

Tor Tochnit with Michi – Yavneh Shabbat Dinner in MA

Author - Efrat Assulin
Over 200 attended our Shabbat Dinner in Newton at the beginning of November and now we’re gearing up for another lovely Shabbat experience in NYC. Everyone was treated to Marc Stober’s beautiful voice during Kabbalat Shabbat and the heartfelt, familiar tunes of Maariv led by David Micley. In true Yavneh-style, we had a break in between to listen to a dvar Torah, ably written and delivered by incoming Maalot camper Hannah Stober who so confidently articulated the similarities between the parasha and her own (and many others’) camp experiences! Kol Hakavod! Campers, alumni and board members led us in Brachot as we sat down to a delicious dinner, with lots of table talk generated by the adorable Yavneh conversation starters. Todah to Yitzhak Sokoloff for giving our families an interesting perspective on the situation in Israel while I took our youngest campers out for fun games. Todah to Netanel and Melanie for logistics and art up and a smooth running event!
We ushered in our 75th year with themed cupcakes, celebration, warmth, and masoret! Can’t wait for the next one in NYC!