Mah Koreh? This week has had many highlights for חניכים chanichim (campers). There were פעולות ערב Peulot Erev (evening activities) created by their מדריכים madrichim (counselors) and ראשי עדהroshes (unit heads) that had חניכים chanichim (campers) laughing and running all over camp. There was Erev Musical, Erev FortNight and Erev Career as well as Erev Balloon Animal, Erev Lilo and Stitch and Erev Pet Rock. Our צוות tzevet (staff) love to create these activities, finding new ways to take an idea and make it innovative and memorable for their kids. The pinnacle of this week is KTV, this year being called “Keeping Up With The Kerem.” Each ayda was given a genre of songs to choose from (the Chadar Ochel erupted in cheers as each genre was revealed). Gurim – songs from movie soundtracks. Gefen – Broadway tunes. Kfirim – boy bands and girl bands. Arayot -classic bar and bat mitzvah songs. Leviim – songs from the 2000’s. Maalot – songs with the word “tonight”. Check our FB pageFriday morning for photos and updates on the winners!
July 26, 2018