Dates, Rates, & Registration – Summer 2025
Session | Start Date | End Date | Tuition* | Early Payment Discount** | Security Fee*** |
Session I (current grades 2-9) | Wednesday, June 25 | Sunday, July 20 | $7,750 | $7,600 | $125 |
Session II (current grades 2-9) | Tuesday, July 22 | Tuesday, August 12 | $6,600 | $6,450 | $125 |
Full Session (current grades 2-9) | Wednesday, June 25 | Tuesday, August 12 | $12,750 | $12,500 | $250 |
Kerem (current grade 10) | Monday, June 23 | Tuesday, August 12 | $13,000 | $12,750 | $250 |
Kaytana (current grades 2-4) | Tuesday, July 22 | Thursday, July 31 | $3,400 | n/a | $125 |
Na'aleh (current grade 11) | Friday, June 20 | Tuesday, July 29 | $13,200 | n/a | n/a |
* The overall tuition now includes $50 for each camper’s Kolbo (Camp store/canteen) Account. There will no longer be a separate fee for this.
** Families that pay the full camp tuition and Security Fee before Dec. 31, 2024 will receive a per camper discount, $150 for one session campers and $250 for full summer campers.
*** Over the past several years we have taken multiple measures to expand and strengthen our camp security. In order to continue to provide a safe and secure environment for our campers, staff, and community, we have added a security fee that will be added to each camper’s tuition ($125 for one session, $250 for full summer campers).
PLEASE NOTE: You may pay your tuition bill and Security Fee via eCheck or Credit Card (all deposits must be paid by Credit Card). If you pay via Credit Card there will be a 3% processing fee added to the charge. (There will be no Credit Card fee added to the $800 deposit.)
VISITING DAY: This year, visiting day for full summer campers (including Kerem) will take place on Sunday, July 20th. Details will be provided in early 2025.
Application Details
How do I apply?
Starting Monday, September 9th, you can find our 2025 applications on the Yavneh CampInTouch login page. After logging in, click on the 2025 season in the drop-down box when prompted.
Please note that submission of an application does not automatically enroll your child(ren) in Camp. While all applications will require an $800 deposit per camper via credit/debit card, this deposit is not actually charged until the office processes the application and your child is accepted, beginning in mid-October. We will send an enrollment confirmation once your child has been accepted.
Who can apply beginning on September 9, 2024?
- All families may apply starting on September 9th.
- Confirmation that we have received your application: Please make sure to complete all parts of the application until the final “Submit.” Once you complete the application, you should immediately receive an automated confirmation email that your application has been received. If you do not get this email, it means we didn’t get your application (but please check your spam folder before reaching out).
- Priority Enrollment for returning campers: We will hold 2025 spots for every returning camper in the same session they attended in 2024 until Monday, October 15th. For example, if your camper attended the first session in summer 2024, they will have a guaranteed spot in the first session of 2025. If you have a returning camper and you have not submitted your application by October 15th, we cannot guarantee a spot for your child.
- New campers: All new camper applications will be logged with the date and time when the application was submitted. After October 15th, we will begin accepting new campers in the order in which the application was received. All applications received after October 15th (for both new and returning campers) will be processed on a rolling basis.
- Notifications of acceptance will be sent once your camper’s application has been processed. New and returning families who have applied before October 15th can expect to hear from us by early November. All applications received after October 15th will be processed on a rolling basis.
Can my returning camper request to switch sessions for 2025?
If you wish to switch your returning child’s session for next summer, please submit your application as soon as possible. Requests for campers to switch sessions or extend to the full summer will be accommodated only after all applications are processed. In most cases, we will not know until early November if we can accommodate your request. Enrollment capacity last summer was full, and there may be limited opportunities for switching and/or extending sessions.
Can my child request to extend from a single session to both sessions?
If you wish to extend your child’s session to full summer, please submit your application as soon as possible. In your application, please select “Full” for the 2025 season. Your child will initially be accepted to the same session as 2024; notification of acceptance for full summer enrollment will be made in November.
If my child will be in Kerem, can we apply now?
Incoming Kerem applicants may begin applying on Monday, September 9th, but their registrations will not be processed until they have participated in an interview with camper leadership. Rising Kerem campers and their parents will receive a separate letter with instructions about scheduling an interview in early October. Please note: Kerem is capped based on the size of the bunks and enrollment is strictly first-come, first-served. We will not accept any Kerem applications after November 10, 2024.
If my child will be in Na’aleh, can we apply now?
Yes! The application is open for Na’aleh and we can’t wait for our group to enjoy Israel!
I know someone new who wants to send their child to Yavneh in 2025. When should they apply?
New families may submit applications beginning Monday, September 9th. These applications will be held in a separate queue to be processed after October 15th.
What if I know my child will not be returning to camp for the 2025 season?
If you know now that your child is not able to attend camp next summer, please let us know (via email to Registrar Shore Goldberg) so that we can release their space to a new camper as possible.
We’re just not sure yet about next summer. What should I do?
We understand that some families may not yet feel ready to commit to next summer at this point in the year. While we will require a deposit upon enrollment, this deposit is fully refundable until December 31, 2024. As space is limited, and we will likely have waiting lists for many aydot, we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible in order to ensure your camper a spot.
Financial Details
Are there any discounts available?
If you pay all of your camp tuition + Security fee before Dec. 31, 2024, you will receive a discount of $150 (one session) or $250 (full season). This discount does not apply to Kaytana or Na’aleh.
How will we pay for camp?
All applications require a deposit of $800 per camper paid by Credit Card (with no fee added). There are several options available to pay the balance (listed below). You will choose one when completing the application.
A reminder: while deposits must be paid by credit card, you can choose to pay your remaining balance via Credit Card or eCheck. If you pay your tuition balance via Credit Card, there will be a 3% processing fee added to the charge.
Options for payment:
- Pay entire balance before Dec. 31, 2024 (and receive early payment discount):
- Pay in Full: If you elect this option, your entire camp balance will be charged upon enrollment. The early payment discount will only apply for families who have applied and paid the full balance by December 31st.
- Two payments: after the initial deposit, 50% of the balance will be charged on Nov. 25 and the balance on Dec. 23rd, when the early payment discount will be applied.
- Five Installments: after the initial deposit, the balance will be charged in five equal monthly installments on on Dec. 2, Jan. 2, Feb. 3, March 3, and April 3.
- Financial Aid: see below.
How can I protect my tuition?
Program Protector Plans are available to U.S. residents from the United States Fire Insurance Company during the registration process. The plans may protect up to the full cost of camp if you withdraw your child from camp. Benefits include Program Cancellation and Interruption, Travel Delay, Medical Expense, Baggage, Baggage Delay and more. An Enhanced Plan (not available in New York) is also available to provide Cancel For Any Reason coverage for cancellations until two days before camp. We strongly recommend that families purchase one of these policies. More information to come. The fee is paid directly to the insurance agent, Trip Mate, Inc., upon enrollment.
What if we need tuition assistance?
Thanks to the generous support of our donors, “camperships” are available to help make camp affordable and accessible to all – click here to find out more.
Financial Aid for 2025 will follow the same process as last year: completing an application online through FACTS with submission of the required tax documents. The link for financial aid for summer 2025 is now live. You can access it here. The due date for the submission of all materials is February 24, 2025, and a decision will be sent to you as soon as possible after this date. We cannot guarantee tuition assistance to current families after the February 25th deadline.
After paying the initial deposit upon enrollment, families requesting Financial Aid will be expected to pay 10% of the tuition balance each month, Nov. 15, Dec. 16, Jan. 15, Feb. 17. Once “camperships” are announced, the remaining adjusted balance will be charged in three equal installments from April – June.
If the campership offered to you is insufficient, and you would like to cancel your child’s enrollment, we must be notified in writing by March 15th, and all payments will be refunded. We remain committed to enabling as many campers as possible to attend camp, with parents making a meaningful contribution to tuition.
Local Jewish Federations, Jewish Family Services, as well as synagogues and rabbis (through their discretionary funds) are excellent resources for camper scholarships as well. Additional resources may be available for first-time campers once accepted to camp (for example, One Happy Camper and PJ Library have campership funds available for first time campers). Please explore these options and be in touch with your local organizations to find out how to qualify.
Please note: due to the length of the program, campers enrolling in Kaytana are not eligible for the first-time One Happy Camper grant (though they WILL be eligible the following summer as first-time campers if they return for a full session).
Cancellation Policy
We understand that unforeseen circumstances may necessitate you to withdraw your child from camp. All withdrawal notifications must be made in writing to Shore Goldberg, Registrar. The following is Yavneh’s cancellation policy:
- Until December 31, 2024: Full refund including the $800 deposit.
- January 1 to February 28, 2025: 75% refund of the remainder of balance, excluding the non-refundable $800 per camper deposit.
- March 1 to May 14, 2025: 50% refund of the remainder of balance, excluding the non-refundable $800 per camper deposit.
- From May 15, 2025 through the end of the 2025 summer season: No refund available
Session Reduction Fee
If you wish to reduce your child’s enrollment (e.g., from full season to single session, or from a single session to Kaytana), you will incur a fee as follows:
- Until December 31, 2024: no fee
- January 1 to February 28, 2025: $300 fee
- March 1 to May 14, 2025: $500 fee
- From May 15, 2025: $1,000 fee
Once camp begins for your child, there are no refunds.
What about travel?
Camp tuition does not include the cost of getting your child to and from camp.
Camp Yavneh offers families the opportunity to pay for round-trip bus transportation to and from Boston and New York (for all sessions other than Kaytana’s departure). Camp can also provide airport transfers for Manchester, NH, and Boston (long-distance flyers only). These travel fees will be charged in the spring.
What about luggage?
Camp Tuition does not include the cost of getting your child’s luggage to and from camp.
- All camper luggage must be at camp before the first day of your camper’s session.
- For campers coming from the Northeast, Yavneh will offer luggage service. The fee will be $150 per camper for two pieces of luggage, and an additional $100 fee for a third bag. These fees will be charged to your account on file in the spring.
- Alternatively, you may ship luggage to camp on your own before your child’s arrival via FedEx, UPS, Ship Camps, etc.
- All campers who live outside of the United States may bring their own luggage on opening day.
What other charges might we incur?
- Medications, vitamins, and supplements must be ordered directly from our camp pharmacy service in the spring. The $25 packaging fee (subject to change) is paid directly to the pharmacy service.
- If your child becomes ill during the summer and needs a prescription, we will charge your family’s account for the cost of the prescription.
- Full summer Ma’alot campers (current 9th graders) have the opportunity to train to become a certified lifeguard during the summer (for an additional fee). Please indicate your child’s interest in participating when you submit the application.
- Bedding and towels may be rented from camp for $50 for the season.
Thanks to the generous support of our donors, camperships are available to make camp affordable – click here to find out more.