Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
August 14, 2017

Last Arayot Blog of Kayitz ’17!

Author - Camp Yavneh

Dear ready and rousing readers,

Thursday morning was our last normal morning of the summer filled with chug, kitah and shiyahThursday afternoon and evening was anything but normal. In the afternoon we enjoyed a marvelous performance of the Maalot cabaret. Afterwards we headed back to the bunk to prepare for KTV (the annual lip-syncing competition). KTV was a blast Thursday night but it was hardly the only excitement of the night. After the show all crazy broke loose, including a noodle war with the entire camp that ended with Maccabiah!

Friday morning was the start of the competitions with Maccabiah.  We enjoyed a fun-filled day that included a frozen t-shirt competition and over-under,  a staple of Maccabiah. After the day of competition concluded we headed back to the bunks to get ready for ShabbatFriday night featured our last Kabbalat Shabbat, Friday night dinner and Zemirot of camp, full of the usual ruach and splendor.

Shabbat morning was chalk full of Shacharit and Musaf and then a couple of hours of zman chofshi (free time) before lunch. In the afternoon we had more zman chofshi and then gathered again with the rest of camp for Seudah Shlishi and Havdalah.

Sunday morning returned us to Maccabiah. The day was again filled with games and sports as Shaar and Choma (the two Maccabiah teams battled it out). Sunday night the entire camp took a break from Maccabiah and joined together to partake in an off-the-charts games of counselor hide and seek.

We can’t believe that camp is almost already over and we can’t wait to see many of you in just a few short days.



Will + Aliza