Shalom, Parents!
This has been an incredibly exciting first week here at the Machane (camp)! On Friday, we started by having our first Tzohorayim Meyuchad (special afternoon) Yom Pirate (Pirate day)! We started the afternoon by splitting up into our different Pirate crews and creating pirate flags to carry around! We then had activities like Walking the Plank, Battleship Machanayim (dodgeball) and Musical Islands! We ended the afternoon by creating pirate ships out of cardboard boxes that the chanichim (campers) made and the Madrichim (counselor) raced in across the Agam (Lake)! Though the boats did not make it very far, all the chanichim loved seeing their madrichim in their ships! Later that night we got dressed up in our Shabbos best and headed to relish to welcome in the first Shabbat of Kayitz (summer) 2019!! We enjoyed an incredible Kabbalat Shabbat and a Shabbat feast for dinner! Saturday was relaxing with the chanichim having options for what activities they would enjoy doing during our Shabbos free time! They picked from options including Shabbat friendly sports, drama, art and music! We ended Shabbat with a beautiful Havdallah and got to spend time with Kerem!
We started the new week hanging out with the newest addition to camp, Gary the Clown! We got to spend time with Gary trying new activities like juggling, ring tossing and stilts! We ended Sunday with an awesome Peulot Erev (Night Time Activity)! The chanichim participated in a Photo Scavenger Hunt! They were given zoomed-in pictures of different places around camp. After they identified the location, they would run there as fast as the can! When they arrived at the location there were tasks they had to complete at every place! These tasks included Yavneh trivia, singing songs and creating a human machine! We are so excited for our upcoming week and our first Achla Yom (trip day)! We will be staying in camp and participating in the Kerem Karnival where we will enjoy bouncy houses, water activities, and fun haftaa’ot (surprises)! We have had an incredible first week with all your kids and we can’t wait to see what this week and the rest of the summer has to offer!
Cara Parnes and Meital Galler (Roshei Gefen)