Shalom, Gefen Parents!
We had an amazing week here at camp! We started the week by going on our annual overnight! We traveled down the road to Pawtuckaway State Park where we kicked off our camping trip by setting up our tents in the campsite! The chanichim (campers) jumped at the opportunity to be able to build their new “homes” for the night! After all the tents were set up, the campers ran down to the lake at the campsite for the ultimate free swim lasting well over an hour! When the campers returned they gathered by tzrif (bunk) and began to work on their skits for KTV (Kerem tv). The campers picked their songs and created a skit/ dance to the song as a bunk! After KTV practice we all ate an amazing cookout dinner all together! We finished the night by roasting smores and then all made our way to our tents for the night!
The next morning we woke up bright and early to go on our nature walk around Pawtuckaway State Park. We then made our way back to camp for more KTV and Rikidiyah practice! Wednesday night was KTV and each bunk gave their performance their all! They (lip) sang their hearts out and secured a 3rd place win! On Thursday we had Rikudiyah where each bunk/ayda learned and performed a dance! It was an incredible night of dancing and ruach! On Friday the banot (girls) went to watch the Leviim and Maalot banot play in the annual Powderpuff game! They had signs and cheered on all the older girls as they played! On Sunday, six different camps arrived at Yavneh for the annual senior boys basketball tournament! A majority of the camp sat outside all day watching the exciting games and Yavneh placed third!
Last night we had an incredible peulat erev, Maapilim. The mishlachat helped our campers re-enact what it was like to sneak into Israel pre-1948. They ran and hid from soldiers, got into boat (canoes) and snuck into the land (from the public beach). The chanichim (campers) were stopped at multiple checkpoints where they had to hide under a blanket in the back of the van. When the soldiers saw them in the back of the van, the chanichim had to bribe them with money. They were told to act like sheep to trick the soldiers at the checkpoint. The chanichim really enjoyed re-enacting the Maapilim.
Yesterday we headed out on our last Achla Yom where we did going mini golfing and went to a beach. We are looking forward to a jam packed final week of camp!!
B’ahava (with love),
Meital and Cara