An exciting new chug is coming to camp… something you won’t find in your after school activities!
Amiel Abir is from Jerusalem,and is a veteran of the Israeli army (IDF) and an archaeology enthusiast. We are excited to announce that Amiel will be the new Rosh Teva V’Hisardut (Nature and Survival) for this upcoming summer! This year we will be doing something unlike the Teva of past summers. Amiel plans to enable each and every chanich to connect with the natural environment and to appreciation for past generations and attempt to understand their interactions with the natural world by exploring how they lived. You will be experiencing primitive wilderness living and learning survival skills that peoples of this continent and others employed for thousands of years to survive and thrive in the wild. He will also touch on the history and archeology of ancient Israel during the course of the summer and learn how these crafts pertain to our ancestral heritage. This will include learning to gather materials from the natural environment and use in various crafts such as:
- Bows and Arrows
- Atlatls -Stone-age spear-thrower
- Friction Fires -Making fire with sticks
- Cordage -Making rope using plant and animal fibers
- Shelter -Learning how to construct an efficient shelter in the wilderness
- Traps, snares and primitive fishing methods (exploring methods to keep you fed in the wild)
- Foraging– Identifying and collecting edible plants and berries
- Stone tools– Learning to craft and use effective stone tools with rocks found in nature.
- Basketry– Crafting baskets and containers using vegetation.
- Pottery– Learning how to make pottery from mud, clay, and fire.
We welcome you Amiel, and are looking forward to an exciting adventure! BTW, Amiel is married to our own Talia Kesselman (K’08). She will be coming to camp to assist Amiel and do many other things at camp.