We are pleased to share with you “A Tree of Life; A Torah for Yavneh”!
This exciting initiative will result in the completion of a Sefer Torah at camp this summer to honor Debbie Sussman on her retirement after 26-years as Director. Designed specifically with our campers in mind, our new Sefer Torah will be lighter than the average scroll and will use a highly readable script, enabling campers to more easily participate in Torah reading.
Debbie’s passion for Israel, love of Torah and dedication to Jewish camping is the inspiration for “A Tree of Life; A Torah for Yavneh”. This new Sefer Torah represents a lasting legacy and is a reflection of Debbie’s hard work as a devoted leader at Camp Yavneh. L’Dor V’Dor.
As camp enters our 7th decade, we continue to set our sights high and provide an outstanding Jewish camp experience dedicated to raising the next generation of knowledgeable and engaged Jews. Help support our mission by dedicating letters, words or a portion of our new Torah in honor, or in memory of your loved ones.
We invite you to participate in this project by dedicating letters, words, or a portion in honor/memory of your family, friends and campers.
Please also save July 3rd to celebrate Debbie’s retirement together at camp and (re)experience the magic of Yavneh.
We extend our gratitude to Gail and Avram Friedman and family for generously dedicating all 187 perakim in our new Sefer Torah in memory of Ezra Schwart z”l. We also thank The Winshall Family and Aaron Albert in conjunction with the Nathan and Sadie Friedman Fund for making this meaningful initiative a reality for Yavneh. It is through the generous support of these donors that we are able to launch this campaign.