Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
July 18, 2018

Madrichim Mitzayanim

Author - Camp Yavneh

Rachel WechslerRachel is an excellent madricha to say the least. She is an invaluable member of tzevet Leviim 2018. She always knows what to do, and continues to step up when needed. Rachel knows her campers inside and out. Whenever there is a problem, she will rush up and try to fix it to the best of her abilities. She is endlessly creative, constantly trying to come up with new ideas and ways to make the summer the best it can be. This week she was calm cool and collected. She was excellent with the chanichim before, during, and after Zimriyah. She encouraged them all to be positive, spreading yachas tov to the entire camp. We are so proud of you, and the work you have done thus far. We love you. RAKATATITI- RACHEL!

Gaby Smith – Gaby is a superstar! She never stops moving and is always caring for campers. She is a constant rock for aydat Gefen and is always there for both her chanichim and her co-madrichim.

Nina Sivan – Nina did an amazing job as rosh for a few days handling countless Zimriyah and Ketzev practices and the most drama that has happened thus far.  She managed all of Ketzev and Zimryiah prep. Nina is a force of calm in the aydah and is always happy to help. There aren’t enough words to describe all that she does Arayot or how grateful we are to have her!  

Shanie! Kalikow – Shanie was a single counselor for half the day and helped her chanichot stay calm during a stressful time. She was dedicated to our Zim poster, helped make Zim shirts, and collected materials for a very successful erev DIY. All around she has been a fabulous madricha! Keep up the great work Shanie!

Ami Israel – Ami has juggled a lot of responsibilities this week, but has completed it all with ease and grace, and therefore has truly gone above and beyond as a true “mitztayen“. He has dealt with some difficult chanichim and really used his maturity to help navigate complex scenarios. He has been a great supporter for his chanichim and really gives them his all. In addition to his responsibility as a madrich, Ami has also balanced his Rosh Mic responsibility, especially this week. He helped set up the sound system for Zimriyah and spent the night moving around microphones. In addition, Ami traveled with Arayot to Ketzev for the whole day to set up their sound system as well, and not only did he manage that with ease, but he was also helpful with the chanichim. This was not his responsibility but he went above and beyond and the Arayot tzevet truly appreciated his help. Ami never complains about anything and really just does what needs to get done. Ami is always able to anticipate what is needed, and many members of the tzevet have pointed this out and are very thankful for this quality of his. Ami has been a huge help and an extraordinary counselor this week, and so we say Kol Hakavod Ami!!

Ofer Marcus – Ofer has done a great job juggling both mishlachat and Gurim responsibilities. He leads his bunk, even now that it’s down to 5 people, very effectively, funnillly, and happilly. He is calm during the hardest times, and does an excellent job even when he’s stressed. His dance moves are off the charts and we are so lucky to have him in Gurim.

Will Barry  – Will Barry is a boss! He is a super star in tefilot, is an amazing role model for his cos, and even while being full time Agam still manages to plan amazing peulot for his banim. Will is always there when anyone needs him and brings endless energy to Gefen.  

Josh Finkel – Even as a quiet person with loud cos he has worked hard to form deep relationships with all his kids and find areas that he can really excel at. He tells kids the best stories and uses his quiet side to connect with even the most quiet camper. He took full responsibility of making the Zim poster and shirts and he continues to always be one of the first madrichim to volunteer to plan peulot. Todah Rabah Josh!!!! [hold fist firmly by your right side like Arthur]