- Toby Mars – Stepping UP in 100 ways. Week one she was left co-less for a night, and crushed it. Juggling rosh daat, tzevet muzika, Zim, and her girls so well. On top of timing in the bunk, and corralling her girls,Toby has also been very encouraging of the girls. During the creative writing minyan she cheered on some of the writers in the most authentic way. Toby is also taking her responsibility of being co-rosh dat very seriously and she has been a role model in both tefillot and birkat.
- Sarah Cohen – Sarah has really gone above and beyond this week. She is always the first to volunteer to help and does the most annoying tasks with a big smile on her face. Watching Sarah navigate conflicts, or moments of sadness, one would never guess that she is in fact a chadash. It’s incredible to think that she has only had a week of experience and we can’t wait to see she what she does next!!
- Amanda Kaplan – Amanda has done an outstanding job this week and truly embodies the qualities of a fabulous rosh tzrif. She was an incredible presence in staff week, by being an active participant and giving great advice to the chadashim. It would be impossible to know she was not a Kfirim madricha in the past, because she instantly connected with the banot and has been an incredible dugma and madricha. She has gone above and beyond with Zim prep, and we are beyond lucky to have her in Kfirim!!
- Tanner Eisenhard – Opening day he was excellent. Was super helpful and proactive in helping run erev sport. All week he’s been enthusiastic at Sadeh Yarok, encouraging with campers, and helpful with what needs coverage. The best thing about Tanner is that he knows exactly what to do without being asked. He is always on top of any camper issues and is a real dugma ishit for the chanichim and the other tzevet. Keep it up Tanner!
- Isaac Singer – Isaac embodies the title of vatik. Given a rollercoaster of a tzrif, he has fostered a positive environment of support for his chanichim and chadashim alike. Isaac is always the first to volunteer for Gurim tasks and always practices MLID – My Life Is Dugma. The B4 spirit is strong with this one – and his mitochlorian count is high. May the force be with him – Jedi Singer
- Oliver Chartock – Oliver is an all star. He is the embodiment of “get-er-done-ittude” anything that needs to get done he does before anyone has a chance to ask. He is constantly on the lookout for anything amiss-even for kids not in our aydah. Oliver has really stepped up this week, especially with one of his cos gone for 4 days. He has spent this past week building incredible relationships with each of his chanichim, even while keeping his eye on the larger bunk dynamic.

July 05, 2018