Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
July 24, 2018

Kfirim Blog – First Week of Second Month!

Author - Camp Yavneh

Dear Kfirim Blog Readers,

To those who are new to our blog, welcome! I will be writing blogs once a week to give you a peak into all of the wonderful things happening at camp!

After a two day intersession, my madrichim (counselors) and I were thrilled to welcome our second session campers into our aydah! Once the new chanichim (campers) were unpacked, each tzrif (bunk) sat down together to make bunk rules and then went to dinner. For our opening Peulat Erev (evening activity), we had Erev Casino. We played card games, air pong, jenga with a twist, acapella chairs, and we even had a mocktail bar. The chanichim had a great time and this peulah really gave them the chance to get to know each other.

The following morning, the chanichim chose their chug (elective) and got tested for their swim classes. In the afternoon, the banot (girls) made friendship bracelets and played basketball while the banim (boys) played soccer and had rikud (dance). We then prepared for Shabbat and had ReLeSh (Ruach Lifnei Shabbat) when the whole camp comes together to sing and welcome Shabbat before doing Kabbalat Shabbat. We then had a delicious dinner and concluded the evening with zemirot (songs).

After tefillot (prayers) on Saturday morning, the chanichim had free time to hang out, play games, and go the Agam (lake). We concluded Shabbat with a brief Havdallah which brought in Tisha B’Av and was followed by the reading of Eicha.

Tisha B’Av is a fast day on the Jewish calendar when we commemorate the destruction of the temple. Due to the sadness of the day, we did not have regular programming, rather special educational programming about the holiday. The chanichim also has rest time in the bunks, watched a movie, and planted a tree! Dinner was a delicious salmon followed by a cheesecake dessert which was especially tasty for those fasting.

Monday was a regular day of programming. In the morning, the chanichim went to their chug, the Agam for swim lessons, and their kitah (class). After lunch and shaat menucha (rest hour), the chanichim had their first sadna (workshop). Camp has brought in talented specialists to teach specific skills to the chanichim. Some sadnaot include cooking, basketball, an off camp obstacle course, bracelet making, ukelele, ceramics, and needle pointing. Our Peulat Erev was Erev Bnei Mitzvah with Gefen, and we had such a fun night partying it up with line dances, games like coke and pepsi, the hora, and even a montage with pictures of the madrichim at their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs.

On Tuesday for Achla Yom, we are off to Water Country!! This is a Kfirim classic, but this year we will be going with the entire camp too (except for Kerem). We can’t wait for a fun and water filled day!!
