“On Shabbat something happens to the world – the world becomes infinite again.” – Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach. When all of the מחנה (camp) sings together in unison as we welcome in the Shabbat, the joyous energy is palpable. The elation continues as all of Gurim sit down to a delectable Shabbat feast. Roast chicken, stuffed squash, fresh baked challah, chicken & vegetable soups and special salads brought happy smiles and filled bellies to every Gurim חניך (camper).
Even waking up is given a special importance as the Roshei Aydot (Unit heads) sing and dance to wake up every chanich. Once awake and dressed for the Shabbos day, all of Gurim came together for our special morning תפילה (prayers) filled with many of our own ניגונים (tunes). To top what was already a stellar morning, Gurim had the honor of having Debbie Sussman come and tell us a rousing story on the importance of being patient and tolerant.
After eating coffee cake, cereal, fruit salad, yogurt, granola and hard boiled eggs, Joel Sussman led the מחנה (camp) with his magical voice in מוסף (additional service). After which Gurim fanned out all over camp searching out adventure, sports and down time with friends.
Lunch brought us all back together for some yummy חלה (challah) rolls, a lot chullent and deli. Every Gurim צריף (bunk) was led by its מדריכים (counselors) in many different games and activities before going to כיתה (class) with the many מורים (teachers). It’s understandable that after such an intense learning session, one can work up quite an appetite. Good thing dinner was big bowls of Greek salad, camp’s special mac and cheese, warm rolls, along with our large salad bars. Finally we stroll into a havdallah ceremony to end all הבדלה ceremonies!!!!
Max and Danni