Arayot has had a very busy and fun filled week. Tuesday night was KTV, an all-camp lip syncing competition run by the oldest עדה Kerem, and we spent most of the afternoon preparing for our acts. The בנות (girls) performed a medley of theme songs while the בנים (boys) performed a political parody and got in second place in the competition.
Yesterday we had an אכלה יום (trip day) to Loon Mountain. We rock climbed, zip-lined, trampolined, and climbed through a maze before travelling up the mountain in gondolas. We watched the ground slip away from us and saw the mountains rise in the distance. At the top, we ate lunch together and then squeezed through cave tunnels, crawling on our bellies through the dark to make it through them. Afterwards, we went back down in the gondolas and then got onto the bus to drive ten minutes away to water cascades. The חניכים (campers) swam in the cascades, sliding down the current until we finally got out and headed to a local ice cream store that sold kosher soft serve.
When we got back we headed to the barbecue for dinner and then, after showers, the בנים played games on the Kangaruach (our in-ground trampoline) and the בנות did a bonding activity down at the agam. Tonight we’re looking forward to Rikudiah, our yearly dance festival, and then the nine days begin and we’ll be counting down to Tisha B’av.