Hello my captive Maalot following audience audience!
So much has happened in the past week that I’m not even sure that I could do it all justice. Instead I’ll try to hit a few big highlights.
On Wednesday night the chanichim got to be the leaders of the camp (kinda)! As all of the machaneh was participating in a wild and fun erev sport, our Maalot manhigim (leaders) ran all of the stations on their own. It was beyond impressive how they stepped up to the challenge.
Shabbat was, as always, a beautiful experience. Our chanichim got to continue their masoret (tradition) of U.S. cake. Basically, when they get cake during Friday night Shabbat dinner, the Maalot chanichim like to chant “U.S. cake” and then sing a parody of “Amazing Grace” called “Amazing Cake.” As ridiculous as this may sound, it is in fact even more ridiculous in person. The masoret ends with the traditional cutting of the cake, followed by more chanting. In all seriousness it’s a very fun masoret that our chanichim love, and it really bonds them as a group.
Our chanichim also got to experience their first real tisch as an aydah. A tisch is basically all of them sitting in a tiny dark room singing their hearts out. It was beautiful to see them coming together as an aydah. Tisches are a real highlight for most campers in Maalot and Kerem, and I’m sure our chanichim will feel the same when they tell you all about it themselves.
On Monday we went to the beach! Wallis Sands State Park in fact. We had a great day despite the frigid water, and then we completely stormed an ice cream place down the road. I ordered a flavor called “Peanut butter fantasy,” and it was delicious (another popular choice was “mint summer nights dream). We ended the night with a barbecue and some active peulot erev.
Coming up soon: An all nighter at a country club? A singing competition? A comedic theatrical performance by your own children???? Stay tuned for more ma’alot adventures!