Since we last blogged a lot has happened at Machaneh (camp). Right after we wrote to you all we had an amazing Yom Meyuchad (special afternoon peulah) called Yom Founders (Founders Day). During this amazing afternoon we came together and founded the new aydah (age group) Gefen, participated in colonial era games, and whipped out own butter the old fashioned way.
When we went back to our regular afternoon peulot (activities) we had lot of opportunities to grow together as tzrifim (bunks) and as an aydah. The banim (boys) have developed an immense love of tying knots after teva (nature) and the banot (girls) enjoyed tackling the new water adventure inflatable known as the Aquakef. Additionally, the banot had a special peulah where each girl was paired with a girl from the other bunk to participate in special peulot and dress up nights with. These pairing were artfully named ZooGefen (Gefen pairs) and the first peulah was a getting to know you with a twin dress up that night!
We started Zimriyah (song fest) practice and hopes are high that Gefen will win in their first ever appearance. Our Shir Yisraeli (Israeli Song) is called Inyan Shel Zman (Matter of Time) and is a classic but will not fail to impress, our Shir Chasidi (religious based song) is titled Kol Haderech (All The Way) and will go from being a hidden gem to a well known Yavneh staple, and our Shir Aydah (age group song) will be a parody to the Sheppard song “Keep Me Crazy”.
The craziness of our first week turned into amazing ruach (spirit) as we entered the first Shabbos of the summer! ReleSh (singing before shabbat) was beautiful and the hand motions during “Minyan Man” impressed all of the other aydot. Though hot and sweaty Kabbalat Shabbat was filled with excitement. Dinner was delicious with chicken noodle soup, mini hot dogs, a tasty Israeli bar, fried rice, and teriyaki chicken. As Gefen we finally got to go to slow zemirot singing with the older aydot. After Mussaf as a whole camp every Gefen bunk received ice cream for getting five 10s in nikayon (daily bunk cleaning) and then had free time. Shabbos came to a close with Havdallah and a story from Kerem (CITs).
Monday brought us a great trip day to Mother’s Beach in Kennebunk, ME. We enjoyed swimming, the playground, and digging holes. Though high tide came in earlier than expected spirits remained high!
What an amazing week! And some much more in store!
Excited to blog with you next week,
Allie & Sam