Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
July 10, 2018

Week Three Updates – Gefen!

Author - Camp Yavneh

Shalom la horim shel Gefen

We can’t believe it’s only been a week since we last wrote because so much has happened. Beyond the wonderful routine of daily camp life and the exciting progress that we are making in Zimriyah rehearsals (don’t sleep on Gefen) the past seven days have been jam packed with special peulot.

July 4th was brought in with a parade around a camp in which the Gefen girls matched as cowgirls. The night celebration began with a new tradition of “Let’s Make a Deal” in an attempt to introduce the camp to Bil’s favorite game show. The Gefs came wearing their wackiest clothes with hopes of being chosen to win prizes. The fabulous yom was capped off by a breathtaking fireworks display.

We also had some wonderful peulot erev (evening activities) this week. On Thursday Kerem kids (CIT aydah) were given the opportunity to take charge and they truly rose to the challenge. G1 had a drama night in which they showed off their comedic skills by parodying life at camp meanwhile the banim (boys) competed in a series of challenges concluding in a dynamic game of machanaim (dodgeball). On Monday night the whole aydah participated in Erev Clue. After a tiring day of Zimriyah practice the Gefs put on their thinking caps and resolved to solve the mysterious murder of Dani, a beloved counselor. The chanichim (campers) successfully gathered enough evidence to prove Tamar (another beloved counselor) guilty, her weapon being a fanny pack and the location being the Aqua Kef (water adventure course).

Our chanichim’s commitment and enthusiasm extended beyond erev clue to all things camp this week. During Havdallah they wooed the camp by chanting “Gefen” during Kiddush. The banim were rewarded with a late wake up after achieving ten perfect scores on nikayon (cleaning duty). Meanwhile our banot (girls) had a special tefillot (prayer service) on the Agam (lake) and learned to daven (pray) surrounded by nature.

Finally, our chanichim spent Monday learning all about our homeland during Yom Yisrael (Israel Day). Our mishlachat (Israeli staff) planned an afternoon of exciting activities, from learning about Israeli startups to making pita, in order to introduce the Gefs to each decade of Israel’s seventy year history.

Coming up this week we have an awesome Achla Yom and of course the long awaited Zimriyah which we hope you all will watch.

Until next time!


Alie and Sam