A huge thank you to everyone who participated in Yavneh’s Phonathon and Facebook Live Thursday, May 9th.
Thank you to Julie Davis Glick (Kerem ’95), our Annual Campaign Chair, who shared the impact Yavneh has had on her life since 19991 in a letter that hit homes mid April and asked all of us to join her in helping raise funds for Yavneh’s Scholarship Fund. Our Phone-A-Thon last Thursday evening was a follow up to the mailer encouraging people to give who did not have an opportunity yet this year.
Thank you to everyone who has participated in our Annual Campaign to date. We are most grateful for your support and dedication to Camp Yavneh. Your gift matters and makes an immediate impact. Thank you to the Yavneh community for picking up their phones and communicating during/on Facebook Live.
Phone-A-Thon and Facebook Live 2019 was made possible by our fabulous volunteers who took time out of their busy schedules to support Yavneh:
Toda Raba to Our Mitnadvim (Volunteers)
Volunteer Callers:
- Janet Alperstein
- Limor Cohen-Melul
- Barry Ehrlich
- Jonathan Forman
- Josh Gladstone
- Benji Goodman
- Laurel Marcus
- Harold Simansky
- Herschel Singer
- Debbie and Joel Sussman
- David Wolf
Facebook Live Crew & IT:
- Zachary Sherman
- Marty Sullaway
Mystery Guests
- Will Barry (Kerem ’13) (sorry we missed you due to our technical issues)
- Max Breslau (Kerem ’16)
- Steven Shimshak (Kerem ’94)
- Joel and Debbie Sussman (Kerem ’68)
- Ann Lapin (Kerem ’92)
- Rabbi Saul Strosberg
- Talia (Kerem ’10) and Josh (Kerem ’12) Schwartz
- Danni Lovich (Kerem ’12)
- Harold Simanksy (Kerem ’82)
- Herschel Singer (Kerem ’09)
- Davida Amkraut
- Suzi Polirer (sorry we missed you Rabbi Richie)
Thank you to the Shalom Learning Center for letting us to use their space, and Dushez Kosher Catering for donating food this evening.
Be sure to check out the long awaited 75th Anniversary short film here
There is still time to donate to Yavneh’s Annual Campaign & Scholarship Fund:
www.campyavneh.org/donate / Venmo @campyavneh
Toda Raba!