After a 5 year hiatus, Alanna Wolf is excited to be back for her 15th summer at Yavneh as Rosh Noar (Head of Upper Camp)! Alanna has served in many roles at camp – as a chanicha (K’08), madricha and rosh ayda, and she is a proud second generation Yavneh alum. Alanna also met her husband, Herschel, at Yavneh! They currently reside in Northampton, MA, where she works as an occupational therapist. A fun fact about Alanna: How many Yavneh alum attended Alanna and Herschel’s wedding in September ’17? If you guessed 45 you are absolutely correct! Check out their wedding picture in our last KesherAlumni magazine here (page 20).
January 31, 2020