Jayne Miller has been teaching art at Yavneh for over 15 years (this year will be her 18th summer!) and we are so lucky to have her. She is the the Rosh Omanut (head of art) and teaches a range of peulot (activities) including spinning, quilting, enameling, jewelry and more. Recently, we had the chance to catch up with Jayne and asked her a few questions about Yavneh.
Favorite camp activity?
“Kabbalat Shabbat (even though I don’t get there as often as I would like to). I feel that Kabbalat Shabbat transcends everyone’s differences and we all come together as one.”
What are you looking forward to most this summer?
“Introducing and teaching a variety of art mediums and then watching the students’ (campers) own creativity take over the process. They never fail to amaze me.”
Helpful tip for new (and returning) campers?