All the comments and information about this week’s Madrichim Mitzayanim are from other madrichim! Great job to all the madrichim – we appreciate all your hard work and enthusiam!
Ben Rosenn – Brosenn, we literally could not say enough praise for this madrich. He loves his chanichim and faces every challenge with a smile. He can always be found assisting his chanichim and co-counselors in Nikayon. He brainstorms great peulot ideas and has spent SEVERAL nights helping chanichim sleep and navigating the dynamics of his 8 year old boys. We are so lucky to have Ben as part of Gurim staff.
Ben Silverstone – Ben is an amazing swimming instructor who always makes sure that his campers feel comfortable and safe. Ben is also incredibly dedicated to Gefen. He invented an iconic cheer, worked tirelessly on our Zim aesthetic and gave up his chofesh to be with the ayda. Ben has grown so much as a madrich and always strives to be the best he can be. He is also an asset to camp as a whole, volunteering to cover Arayot nikayon, staying behind to clean up peulot erev and cracking up the machaneh with his awesome long form comedy skills. We love you Ben and the Gefs are lucky to have you
Maya Dayanim – Maya has been an absolute rockstar this week and has really stepped up and flourished as a madricha. She washed all the tie-dye shirts for our girls, helped with Zim shirts and hand motions, and did her entire bunk’s hair in space buns for July 4th. She has been great at navigating conflict management in the bunk and helping campers who are having a rough time. Maya has been incredibly patient this week, really stepped up when the vatikim were on their days off, and has truly navigated morning and night time routines with ease. She has really figured out her presence in the bunk and we are so lucky to have her in Kfirim!!
Max Breslau – Max Breslau is no chadash. He is constantly trying to be the best he can be, taking on challenge, after challenge. He is amazing with the kids and always takes advice from the vatikim in the bunk to heart and acts upon them. He is always willing to do anything we ask. Need to go get more siddurim? Max is on the way. Need to wake up a camper? Max is on it! The kids love him and respect him. You can always find Max jumping around with passion trying to make the kids excited for every peulah. He is a fantastic team player who always wants the best for the tzrif, as well as the ayda. Keep up the good work Max!
Shira Caplan – Shira is a fantastic madricha. She is constantly on the lookout for things that need to get done and does them to her best ability long before anyone asks her to. Shira has the patience of a saint, she can hold a 20 min conversation with any chanich, on any subject. Shira has gladly taken charge of our ketzev narrative. Shira also meltzed our first Friday night with a smile, really helping all of the meltzers. Shira is thoughtful, intentional, and an incredible dugma for her chanichot. She constantly embodies Arayot’s unofficial theme of the summer “letting out the weird, ” bringing an infectious goofy, silly energy to everything she does!
Gabby Sadinoff – Gab-Sad is the Gabi of Gurim. Just like a Gabi during torah services, Gab-Sad’s watchful eye makes sure everything runs smoothly. She is constantly offering support, assistance and ideas in meetings. Gab-Sad always knows what to say to help a chanich. She has also taken a major role in planning Zim, and thanks to her there’s no question that THIS IS GURIM’S YEAR!!!!!! Gab-Sad gladly volunteers for even the difficult tasks, whether it’s comforting a homesick chanich or bringing a kaytana chanich to the Chadar super early. It’s super easy to forget that Gab-sad is a chadash because she truly knows what to do all the time!! Todah Rabah Gab-Sad!!!