Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
July 18, 2016

Maalot is Preparing to Win Zimriyah!

Author - Camp Yavneh

I was thinking about it today, and I realized that if I had a nickel for every day of camp that had passed, I would have exactly one dollar!  And if I received 7% compounding interest on that money over a set of annual compounding periods equal to the number of days of camp that have been amazingly stupendous, I would have $3.87!  Our time at camp is CRUMBELIEVABLE and NUTRAGEOUSLY fun and, like compounding interest, is constantly getting better and better.

Photo Jul 17%2C 1 58 01 PM But this writer studies Public Health and the חניכים (campers) aren’t so interested in math right now anyways.  Here’s what they were interested in the past few days: we left off this past Thursday right before our פעולת ערב (evening activity). We had a חינוכי (educational פעולה) where we attended a mock wedding and got to celebrate the new marriage with our Gurim buddies! We danced, we laughed, we cried, and it was better than Cats.
Friday morning was like an old Western, minus the hats, guns, saloons, and environment, but with added כיתה (class), מעלות פעולה (our leadership development/fun peulot just with our עדה (age group)), and חוג (elective).

The day slowly hushed as שבת came in–that feeling that goes beyond words, and what Professor Joe Reimer from Brandeis (our speaker from sicha who studies שבת in camps) would characterize as “unified comfort” set in. The uniqueness of שבת once again set in, creating for the third week in the row the best night of the חניכים’s lives. Saturday night we did a bit of ריקוד (dance) before the חניכים had their כרם (CITs and oldest עדה in camp) sleep in for the night. Suffice to say it was GREAT!
Sunday was a special day: יום ישראל! Our עדה not only helped run and organize the  “שוק”(Israeli marketplace), but also prepared a special flag made up of one word that represented their connection to Israel and presented it at the טקס that night. The חניכים felt especially accomplished (and full of shwarma) as the night bore on.
Today brought an action packed day of זמריה (our singing competition on July 21st that you all are invited to and that we’re going to win!!!) practice and יום- Lisa, our programming director celebrating 40 years at Yavneh! We had a mini מכביה (our color war second month that Lisa runs with the כרם) in her honor that is ending in like 10 minutes. Stay tuned for more news from Jews on Thursday!!

Jeremy Tibbetts