Hi everybody!
So where should we start?? Aydat (unit) Kfirim has had 3 very exciting days! Monday evening was our Kochav Nolad (a star is born). In this talent show, each tzrif (bunk) put together an act to perform for the entire ayda! Some of the chanichim (campers) performed on their own or in small groups. We laughed, had fun, and discovered some real talent!
On Tuesday we had the AMAZING Kerem Karnival! Aydat Kerem, the CITs, planned an entire carnival for us. It started with a show of dogs catching flying frisbees, and was followed by awesome booths like dunk tank, water slide, and photo booth. There were so many games and so much yummy food!
In the afternoon, we hung out at the agam (lake) and had some down time. We ended the day with a show by Gary the clown! By the end of the day we were exhausted from all that fun we had and retired happily to our tzrifim (bunks) to get a good nights’ sleep.
Wednesday was a yom geshem (rainy day), so we spent it indoors watching movies and having popcorn for nishnush (snack). Our peulat erev (evening activity) was Erev Balonim (balloon night) emceed by very own Lisa Rubins, who showed us funny videos and taught us some great games with balloons! We had a colorful and awesome evening!
We hope to have many more amazing days like these!
B’ahava (in love), Herschel and Aviv, Roshei Ayda (Heads of Unit)