Shabbat Shalom, Gefen parents,
We were so excited to greet your children on Tuesday!! After a day of unpacking and getting to know each other, we had a fun Peulat Erev (night activity) where we got to know the members of our ayda (age unit) even better! We woke up bright and early on Wednesday to start our first full day together! Our chanichim (campers) picked two chuggim (electives) to attend for the next two weeks, such as cooking, ballooning, sports, music and photography! The chanichim then met their morim (teachers) for their morning kitah (class) and took swim tests so they could be placed in proper swim classes. We all enjoyed a pizza lunch and a nice sha’at menucha (rest hour) where we got to hang with our tzrifim (bunks). The boys spent the afternoon playing machanayim (dodgeball) and had a special ice cream party for Natan’s birthday! The girls had omanut (art) and rikud (dance) which they all loved! We ended the day with the morim learning about the different things and places around camp that we are grateful for! By Thursday morning we were all in full swing with our chuggim, swimming and afternoon peulot with our tzrifim (bunks)! We ended the day with peulot erev with our bunks. We are gearing up for an incredible first Shabbat at the machaneh (camp) with your amazing children!!
B’ahava (with love),
Cara Parnes and Meital Galler