To know טבע, is to know our world and in this we develop a better understanding of ourselves. In the immortal declarations of Mr. Thoreau, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,” That is why עדת גורים (Lion cub age group) was so overjoyed with the chance to camp out under the stars last אחלה יום (a great day (our trip day)). Together we faced for the first time the unfettered glorious world that is outside the gates of our insulated society. Even the simple experiences were savored by everyone. Telling suspenseful tales as גורים (lion cubs) sat by the burning coals of our camp fire. Listening to the evening crickets chirp next to us as we rested our heads. Running in the grass field next to our campsite with all our friends! In the end when we packed up our tents at first light(okay, maybe a little later then first light) גורים loved our trip into the wild!
July 14, 2016
Gurim’s Gone Into the Wild
It might come as a surprise to some, but most of our חניכים (campers) through no fault of their own, have yet to develop a fundamental appreciation of one of life’s greatest treasures. In the age of instant computer stimulation, many חניכים interests have never been peaked by the wonders of the Great Outdoors! That is why more then ever, it is of the highest duties as Jewish דוגמא (role models), to foster a love for טבע(nature) in our children.
Max and Danni