Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
Campers and staff under tree


Word Definition/Tool Tip Text
Shabbat Sabbath day of the week, day of rest
Tif Tuf Water mister
Brachot Blessings before and after a meal
Birkat Hamazon Blessing after food
Rosh Banot Head of girls counselors
ReleSh Ruach lifnei Shabbat - Spirited singing before Shabbat
Rosh Aydah Unit head
Yedidut Inclusion program
Klal Israel Inclusive Judaism
Zimriyah Yavneh's signature songfest
Maccabiah Yavneh's color war
Kolbo Camp Store
Tochnit Programming
Kippot Religious head covering
Tefillah Prayers
Tzitzit Ritual fringed garment
Mirpa'ah "Marp" - health and wellness center
Amanut Art
Kayatana Aleph Two week camp program
Kaytana Bet Two week camp program
Derech Dov The Derech Doc Pathway was built in honor of our beloved teacher and spiritual leader of over 15 years, Rabbi Dov Lerea.
Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah Religious ceremony marking the passage to adulthood
Zoog Couples
Migrash Sport Sports Field
Beit Ha'am Camp Yavneh's gym
Mirpeset Porch
Madrichim Counselors
Chanichim Campers
Sha'at Menucha Rest hour
Sh'ma Prayer recited three times a day
Meltzers Wait staff
Rosh Banot Head of girls counselors
Aydot Units
Tzrif Bunk
Ruach Spirit
Kayitz Summer
Gilboa Outside amphitheatre at camp
Tefillin Phylacteries worn for morning prayer
Masoret Tradition
Havdallah End of Shabbat ceremony
Ben Zvi Yavneh's theatre building
Rikudiyah Dance festival
Morim Teachers
Arayot Current grade 7
Maalot Current grade 9
Leviim Current grade 8
Kerem Current grade 10
Kfirim Current grade 6
Gefen Current grade 5
Gurim Current grade 2-4
Mercaz Betzalel Art Center
Na'aleh Yavneh's capstone program in Israel
Nikayon Cleanup (usually the bunk)
Aruchat Boker Breakfast
Aruchat Tzoharayim Lunch
Nish Nush Snack
Aruchat Erev Dinner
Sha'at Menucha Rest hour
Peulot Erev Evening activities
Chuggim Electives
Mincha/Maariv Afternoon and Evening Prayers
Agam Waterfront
Beit Midrash The Gottesman Community Center
Chaddar Ochel Dining Hall
Kir Tipus Climbing Tower
Etgar Ninja-Style Obstacle Course
Sukkat Bogrim Alumni Gazebo
Sukkat Levanah White Sukkah
Kikar Leah Flagpole Area
Shigaon Play Area
Sadeh Yarok Back Playing Fields
Teva Nature
Kitot Classes
Shir Israeli Israeli Song
Shir Chasidi Religious Song
Shir Aydah Unit Song
Yachas Tov Sportsmanship