בתאבון – Meet Three Food Experience Staff Members of 2017
Camp Yavneh’s summer food experience would not be the same without Ruthie Simon, Amy Glickman Sharff and Yonit Cohen. Ruthie heads up the Meltzarim (waiters) group – who are older campers – during the first session, while Amy is in charge during the second session. And Yonit is a cooking instructor for the campers. Learn more about them here. Recently, we asked them three questions about camp and here is what they had to say:
Favorite camp activity?
- “My favorite camp activity is a swim in the agam.” – Ruthie Simon
- “My favorite camp activity is swimming in the lake!” – Amy Glickman Sharff
- “My favorite camp activity is Yom Yisrael, Zimriyah and Rikudiah, but I love it all!” – Yonit Cohen
What are you looking forward to most this summer?
- “I am most looking forward to the fresh mountain air of Northwood and making a whole new network of friends and colleagues. I am also looking forward to seeing Yavneh through my children’s eyes for the first time.” – Ruthie Simon
- “I am looking forward to meeting so many new campers and staff members, and making lots of new memories.” – Amy Glickman Sharff
- “I am looking forward to working with the amazing staff at camp and I am so excited to meet the campers, counselors and the staff. I love and appreciate their hard work and passion for this summer camp.” – Yonit Cohen
Helpful tip for new and returning campers
- “The best tip for all campers, both new and old, is to be open to making new friends and ask lots of questions to get to know them!” -Amy Glickman Sharff
- “Help your parents pack your luggage! That way you ensure that your favorite T-shirt is there when you want it! ” – Yonit Cohen
- “Don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone and try new things!” – Yonit Cohen