Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
June 26, 2018

Gurim June 26th Blog: The First Few Days of Camp

Author - Camp Yavneh


Just two days ago, the madrichim (counselors), Meital, and I had the distinct pleasure of welcoming each of your extraordinary children to Machaneh Yavneh!!!!! Now Meital and I have the honor of inviting all of you to the Gurim Glog!!!!!!! Sorry, Gurim blog.

Here, we’ll be breaking down the fourth wall and explaining exactly what is going on in all those crazy photos you see. Here you’ll have a chance to finally read the thousand words (or 500) that those pictures are trying to share. So…. Let’s get started!

Kayitz (summer) ‘18 has finally begun!!!!

Once parents were packed away, and suitcases had returned home, the madrichim got to work unifying the chanichim (campers) into one kehila (community). We started off day one with several outdoor icebreakers with just our own  tzrif (bunk). Once we got to know each other a little better we transitioned indoors to discuss our tzrif rules. Listing important values like respect for others’ space, object and bodies, the chanichim (campers) concluded by signing their names to our collective guidelines.

We welcomed our chanichim, old and new alike, by taking a tour of camp. We stopped by the classics: Ben Zvi (multi-purpose room), Beit Am (gym), and Chadar Ochel (eating hall); and also hit up several of the neat Guu spots such as the zoo, the ga-ga pit, and our very own Eizor Shigaon (Jungle gym – complete with tetherball poles, swings, and hopscotch).

In the evening we made our way to mifkad (flagpole) for a welcome from head of camp, Bil Zarch. We then headed into dinner for delicious schnitzel! We packed it in early after first choosing our chugim (electives) for the next two weeks and then playing a Yavneh favorite – Run & Scream (a complicated game comprised of running and screaming).

The first full day of camp was gu-reat!! We started at the regular 7 am start and headed down for a 7:30 mifkad. From there we went to the Beit Am to pray our Gurim-style tefillot (prayers). Meaning of course that we sang, we danced and had a blast!! We then ate a delicious breakfast of hash browns and eggs, and made our way back to the tzrifim for nikayon (clean up). The morning schedule between nikayon and lunch is as follows:

  1. Chug (elective – including but not limited to: cooking, baseball, tennis, omanut (art), robotics, fencing, archery, board games, drama and more!)
  2. Kitah (class – taught by morim (adult teachers))
  3. Chug (a second elective!!!!!)

After splitting up for those wonderful mornings we met back up for a delicious aruchat tzohorayim (lunch) of grilled cheese and tomato soup (not to mention the daily salad bar, pasta bar and pb&j station).

In the afternoon, banim played soccer and baseball while the girls jumped on the Kangaruach and played basketball. We then all headed to the Agam (waterfront) for swim testing so that we can find out what classes we will be in moving forward.

We closed the day with shower time,  again, a scrumptious meal of spaghetti and meatballs, and a variety of l’fi tzrif peulot (activities by bunks).

All in all it’s been a guffy and gud time. We can’t wait to keep the gu-spirit burning!!!!!

B’ahava (with G-love),

Benji + Meital + Gu Crew