In honor of the final week of first month I will write the following blog to the tune of “on and on” by Joel Sussman, husband of immediate past Rosh Machaneh Debbie Sussman.
Back in first session twenty-eighteen
Wow, what a month it has been
We’ve made new friends and explored
Summer camp we now adore
We’ve had trip days to water parks, in-camp fun
And aquariums!!!
Gurim, tashach, oh Gurim, taschach
Gurs have had many chances
To try new peulot and dances
And even got instructional swim
So many games to try and win
What a wacky time we’ve had
Aqua-kef, etgar make us glad
Gurim, tashach, oh Gurim, taschach
Kitah was great, we learned a lot
Baked challah, and colored dots
Prayed tefillot with our feet
And danced in ReleSh – oh so neat
Fell in love with camp Shabbat
Mesoret printed on our hearts
Gurim, tashach, oh Gurim, taschach
For many Gurs, this is a first taste
Of summer camp – and such a place
They’ve learned to sing and cheer at Zim
Learned to lose and learned to win
Although we’re leaving camp real soon
We know we’ll keep the following tune:
Gurim, taschach, oh Gurim, taschach
Each of us is growing up,
Gaining new skills like a startup
A journey to learn about ourselves
And making sure to neaten our shelves
Ten tens in nikayon means glidah
This simple key to group simcha
Gurim, tashach, oh Gurim, taschach
Gurim, the biggest aydah
In heart and spirit we win by far
Capture the flag, teather, and dodgeball
These are our sports as we stand tall
Always searching for Kolbo
Losing teeth, and smiling whole
Gurim, tashach, oh Gurim, taschach
Back in first session twenty-eighteen
Wow, what a month it has been
We’ve made new friends and explored
Summer camp we now adore
We can’t believe it’s already done
Gurim has been the most fun
Gurim, tashach, oh Gurim, taschach