Shalom, Gefen Parents!
Unfortunately this is our final blog post of the kayitz (summer), but we have had a jam-packed week that we want to share with you all! We left off last week with our Achla Yom (Fun Day). For Achla Yom we had a fun filled day of mini golf, a beach and a surprise trip to Johnson’s for ice cream. For peulat erev the chanichim (campers) thought we were having a rehearsal for Zimriyacepella. We convinced the chanichim that we were unable to have Macabbiah this summer and instead were having an acapella competition, similar to the style of Zimriyah. The rashei ayda performed an acapella song to dynamite and then got into a fight about how everything at camp is changing. This fight ultimately turned into a final acapella performance which broke out Macabbiah. The camp was split between Nigleh (revealed) and Nistar (hidden). After their first team meetings, they went into limalah l’mata (over under) for the madrichim (counselors) and Kerem.
On Wednesday, we had our first day of Macabbiah, but the morning schedule was typical with kitah, chug and swim. In the afternoon, the chanichim had team meetings, played Newcomb and cheered on their madrichim in horse races. At night, the teams competed in Chidon, a game show where the chanichim demonstrated the knowledge they have acquired in their kitot (classes).
On Thursday, the morning was regular, and in the afternoon the chanichim had a variety of sports for Macabbiah. For Peulat Erev, the whole camp watched the madrichim and Kerem do Dizzy Izzy. Dizzy Izzy is a relay race where the chanichim start by putting their heads on a baseball bat and running around the bat in circles. At this point, they are extremely dizzy and then have to do crazy tasks while trying to maintain their balance. It’s very funny to watch.
Friday was our last regular morning of the Kayitz (summer). In the afternoon, our ayda had the opportunity to do our dizzy izzys. Afterwards the banim (boys) played Ga-Ga while the banot (girls) played hockey. It was a shorter afternoon because of Shabbat. We all got pizza for nish nush (snack) and went back to the tzrifim (bunks) to get ready for Shabbat.
We had an extremely meaningful final Shabbat together, filled with ruach and lots of free time with friends. At the end of shabbat we transitioned into Tisha B’Av by having a hearty pre-fast meal and moving into the Beit Am for slow shira (singing). We opened Tisha B’Av (9th of Av), a day in the Jewish calendar where we mourn the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, with Aicha and a tekes that introduced the day.
Sunday looked very different for our chanichim as the programming maintained the mood of the fast day. We had a lot of time to rest and we had sichot. Towards the end of the fast we gathered together to watch a movie and then closed the day with a tekes. The day ended with a delicious break fast with salmon and garlic bread.
Monday morning we started the day off with Hameirutz Haniflah (The Amazing Race), formally known as the Apache. This is a camp wide relay full of silly tasks. The race ended with the whole camp racing to fill up their teams bucket of water in the beit am. Nistar won this race. From there we quickly transitioned to the camp play, Homesick at Hogwarts. We had many chanichim who were in the play and impressed us with their amazing voices and talent. It was so much fun to watch!! Monday afternoon the chanichim had team meetings and finished prepping for l’chu neranana
After a BBQ dinner, the whole camp came together to watch the tekes where each team performed their acting, singing and dancing. After, each team presented their shelatim. We then moved into the Beit Am for Lechu Neranena where each team sang a Shir Chasidi and a Shir Pluga before coming together for Shir Machane and On and On. Lastly, everyone enjoyed Tekes Shoftim and the Kerem madrichim doing their tzevet dance one last time. At the end of their dinner, they announced the winner of Macabbiah 2019…Plugat Nistar!!!
Tomorrow we will sadly be packing up your kids and having an amazing final night together at Banquet. As we finish up our final blog we want to thank you all for letting us spend our summers with your incredible children. It has been such a pleasure for us to be able to get to know each and every one of them and we are sad to send them home on Wednesday. We will miss them!!
B’ahava (with love),
Meital and Cara