There were so many first’s this week. We began second session with palpable energy and the madrichim (counselors) could not wait to welcome our second session campers! Our full season campers also participated in their first intersession that was complete with beach time, boat rides, and climbing adventures. When they returned they were eager to meet new friends and reunite with old ones from last year.
We also celebrated the first Shabbat of the session and the weather could not have cooperated better! The sun was shining, the Agam was filled with smiling and happy chanichim (counselors), and the fields were filled with different sports. The chanichim enjoyed spirited tefillot (prayers) and zemirot (songs) and enjoyed the day that allowed for some free time and bunk bonding activities.
We look forward to the second Shabbat of the session which will be complete with an amazing Havdallah and Rikudei Am.
Shabbat shalom,
Meir and Davida