What is doing in Tochnit (Programs) these days?
We are not running around from peulah to peulah (activity to activity) checking in on chanichim (campers) and tzevet (staff), replacing equipment as necessary and helping mumchim (specialists) plan their chuggim (electives). But we are hiring! We are interviewing madrichim (counselors) about where they might best fit to contribute to bunk life and chuggim. We are talking with mevugar (adult) specialists to welcome back many popular and beloved faces and fill holes where there are gaps. We are scoping out the Israeli scene, getting to know many candidates, and choosing the best-fit shlichim (Israeli emissaries) to come to Yavneh and join our mishlachat team. In so doing, we will have a staff ready to plan and implement amazing daily programs at camp.
We are not currently helping madrichim with peulot erev (evening activities) prep. But we are already long into calendaring camp-wide special events and nighttime fun. We are looking at bringing in interesting workshops, entertainers, musicians, leadership ideas, chesed projects and hands-on creativity.
We are not sanding baseball fields or chalking soccer out-of-bounds markers while there is snow on the ground. But we are updating spaces, how we use them and what we are doing. We are working on a comprehensive sports plan for Kayitz 2020 as well as providing maintenance to our archery range. We are evaluating what boating will look like moving forward for each ayda (unit). Lastly, we are exploring our approach to teva (nature) and farming at camp.
We are not packing vans for overnights or booking busses for Achla Yom (Special Day). But we are reserving campgrounds and off-site activities. We are planning boating trips and swimming opportunities, climbing experiences as well as some gorgeous New England tiyulim (hikes) and natural encounters.
And we can’t wait to share all this winter time progress with you in just a few months! Get ready for a really great time in 03261.