Bruchim habaim Leviim session 2!
For those who are new to this blog, welcome! I will be writing a blog every week to give you the insider scoop on what your kids are up to. I hope you enjoy!
After our incredible new inter-session, our chanichim were well rested, and ready for yet another amazing month at Machaneh Yavneh. While our new chanichim were coming into camp, our two monthers went to “Take Flight,” an aerial tree top adventure. They had a blast! They came back exhausted, but excited to meet and see our second session campers.
For our first peulat erev (night time activity) we did a Pom Pom trade. The aydah was split into groups. They were given five locations around camp that they could go to – each location had an easy, medium, or hard task to complete. Each task was worth either 1, 3, or 5 pom poms: the team by the end of the night with the most Pom poms won a very special prize: an oneg with me (their rosh aydah) for the upcoming Shabbat. We had so much fun.
The next day we welcomed in Shabbat with open arms – our ruach (spirit) was certainly not lacking. We danced and sung out zemirot like it was the last time (but thank goodness we have 3 more this summer). We rested, and enjoyed our time spent together.
This Shabbat at camp was different than most. Tisha B’Av started Saturday night, so after Havdallah, it was off to eicha (the stories we read together about the destruction of the temple). The next day was somber and heavy, much like the cloudy, rainy weather. We learned about the organization “Hope Time Cure” with Elisha and Meital Galler. We explored the topic of Epilepsy and the impact it has on the society that we live in.
The next day, we finally got to follow a normal schedule. We had our kitah (class), chug (Elective), and schiah (swim) in the morning, and then some fun activities in the afternoon (the kangaroo jumper, basketball, and volleyball). For our peulot erev, we split up boys and girls (l’fi tzrif). The banot (girls) had erev Gurim, while the boys did erev mind field. The banot started their peulat erev off with Kolbo (canteen), followed by a chalk dream house competition and gaga match. The banim had to decipher a code to walk through, and then played a riveting game of gladiator. Needless to say, they loved it.
Until next time…
-Jonathan Gomolka (Rosh Leviim)