We can’t believe we have been here for 10 days already with the chanichim (campers)! The chanichim have been enjoying their activities including free swim, sports, rikud (dancing
) and so much more!
Our second Shabbat was amazing. Because of rain on Friday, our normal spot for Friday night davening in Gilboa (the amphitheater) was wet, so we davened in the Ben Zvi. Despite the change in location, Kabbalat Shabbat was filled with simcha (joy) and ruach (spirit). After Kabbalat Shabbat, everyone went into the Chadar Ochel (dining hall) for an excellent meal with challah, chicken soup and orange flavored chicken. After dinner was singing in the Ben Zvi. The chanichim enjoyed the singing and then were ready to get to sleep.
The weather was beautiful Shabbat day and the chanichim were excited for the doughnut that they got to eat before davening. We had some fun activities in Kfirim tefillah related to Balak, which was the parsha this week. The chanichim enjoyed the role playing, trivia, as well as the other activities that were prepared. After Kfiriim tefillah we were excited for a breakfast of coffee cake and sugar cereal followed by a spirited Mussaf.
The afternoon consisted of free time, ending with a sicha (discussion). After the sicha, the camp gathered together in the Beit Am (gym) before going to the final meal of Shabbat. On the way into the Beit Am, we saw a rainbow, which was beautiful. Havdallah was also very spirited and the chanichim enjoyed the opportunity to do Israeli dancing. They were then excited to spend the rest of the evening with Kerem (CIT’s).
Sunday we went back to a normal day at Yavneh in which we had all kinds of fun activities that chanichim enjoyed. We are excited for the week as we go on a hike and begin preparing for Zimriyah!
Bwitz and Danni