Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
July 20, 2015

Bruchim HaBayim to Aydat Gurim!

Author - Camp Yavneh

Photo Jul 19, 8 12 10 PMWe would like to extend a big shalom and bruchim habaim (welcome) to aydat (unit) Gurim!

Second session is off to a fantastic start!

The sun shined brightly and warmed up our entire machaneh (camp). The gray clouds came threatening but we never felt rain on our cheeks. The clouds and moisture, however, did make opening day quite humid, and the madrichim (counselors) worked tirelessly as the heat and humidity took their toll. They moved bunk beds, helped the chanichim (campers) unpack, and explained how everyone would have an amazing session.

After a delicious pizza dinner, the chanichim participated in a round robin of fun and active games to help get to know each other. It was a blast! With smiles on their faces, they went back to their tzrifim (bunks) to get a good night’s sleep.

Before bedtime, everyone had a little zman panas (flashlight time), where they got to read a book or listen to music to unwind after a long day. Then, the madrichim read a story and everyone said the shema.

Today is looking as hot andPhoto Jul 19, 8 10 15 PM humid as the last, and we are gearing up for our first regular day of camp. The chanichim will choose a chug (elective), have instructional swim, and learn a bit in kitah (class). Everyone’s drinking lots of water, putting on sunscreen, and of course wearing a hat!

As the saying goes, mayim, krem haganah, kovah!

B’ahavah, Micah and Aliza, Roshei Gurim (Heads of unit)