Aydat Kfirim has been having a lot of fun! Monday was a normal day until the evening. Tisha B’Av began Monday night, the ninth day of the month of Av. Tisha B’Av commemorates many tragedies in Jewish history including the destruction of the holy Temple in Jerusalem. It is a very sad day in Jewish communities throughout the world and many hold the tradition of fasting for 25 hours. At camp we commemorate the day with special programming and a somber mood. Monday night we read the book of Eicha, which is traditionally read on the evening of Tisha B’Av. The entire camp gathered in the Ben Zvi for the recitation of Eicha.
Tuesday we woke up at 8:30 AM, which is the latest wakeup of the summer. We had a somber tefillot and an activity related to Tisha B’Av in which chanichim filled a brown paper bag with things they would bring if they had to leave somewhere quickly and could only bring what fits in the bag. They shared by bunk and it was very interesting. There were many other activities that went on throughout the day and some chanichim chose to fast. The fast ended with a delicious meal of salmon and cheesecake.
Yesterday camp went back to a normal schedule. We had an Israel-themed afternoon in which we made pita, falafel and learned about Israeli culture. The day ended with a special peulat erev (evening activity) planned by the mishlachat (counselors from Israel) in which the chanichim learned more about Israeli culture.
Today we are going to a lake and then will be having a B’nai mitzvah party for the aydah in the evening!
Adam and Danni