This week, Arayot has been working very hard to make their ketzev (rhythm) performance the best it can be. They have had many practices throughout the day for singing and dancing, including with the ketzev band! Of course, we had plenty of fun peulot (activities) throughout the day, as well, including dodgeball, slip n’ slide, soccer, and karaoke. On Monday, July 6th, camp celebrated July 4th with a parade, cupcakes, fireworks, and a talent show. On Tuesday night, Kerem made a scavenger hunt for the chanichim (campers) and had them running all over camp to do different tasks.
On Wednesday, we had an in-camp achla yom (trip day). In the morning, we put the finishing touches to our ketzev performance, and in the afternoon we enjoyed a relaxing pizza lunch at the agam (lake), as well as free swim!We then continued the day with a peulah called the “Everything Bracket.” Each chanich faced head-to-head against another chanich and they had to play in a competition of their choosing. It could be anything from a staring contest to running around the entire sports field, until there was a champion. Annie S. was the final winner of the “Everything Bracket!” GO ANNIE!
After another delicious achla yom BBQ, we headed up to sadeh yarok (the green field) for an all time favorite at Machaneh Yavneh, paint night! The chanichim all wore white shirts and played different games involving paint and ended the night with colorful shirts (and hair)!
Today, we are looking forward to heading to Boston for our ketzev performances at the Cohen Florence Levine Estate and at Hebrew College!!