Camp YavnehCamp Yavneh
February 24, 2022

Kol Yavneh: Estelle Gomolka, Rosh Agam (Head of Waterfront)

Author - Camp Yavneh

The Agam– Waterfront has been my happy place for over four decades at Camp Yavneh. Everyone comes daily for either swim lessons, free swim, boating, and aqua kef fun time! No matter your age you seem to find your way down to the agam at some point during the day. The landscape has truly never changed and the sunsets are still memorable. 

The Agam Staff is a family who is unique because everyone is “home grown” which means they have grown up at Yavneh.  We don’t need to hire outside the Yavneh community because in Maalot you have the opportunity to become a certified lifeguard. In Kerem you are a lifeguard at the agam and assist swim classes. You proudly return to join Tzevet Agam (lifeguard) after your Na’aleh summer.  For some like myself, you just never leave!

The whistle blows, “עוד חמש דקות”! (Od Hamesh Dakot!), everyone hears these words for the five minute warning to end the פעולה (Period)…

These words and many others have echoed the Agam for generations and hopefully for those to come. The world continues to change all around us, but the small corner of Northwood, NH on Lucas Pond remains pretty much the same at the Agam. L’Dor V’Dor…